19 February 2009

Thoughts on Abortion

HT to Anastasia for these two thoughts on the horror and holocaust called abortion.

First, a twelve year old girl speaks very eloquently and persuasively on abortion. Talk about "out of the mouths of babes." This video is worth its 5 minutes and 20 seconds in gold.

Second, Anastasia herself weighs in with some incisive insight on arguments used in favor of abortion. I hadn't quite thought of the being less than human argument in this way before, but I shall not forget it, or forget to use it, because it makes perfect Christian sense. Here's Anastasia's "More on Abortion":

More on Abortion

The arguments in favor of abortion are so duplicitous. Well, okay, not all of them are. Some of them spring from genuine, if misguided, compassion for the pregnant woman. But the arguments I'm specifically thinking of are the one about a woman's rights, and the one about how the fetus is not really a human being yet, supposedly. Gimma a break!

Abortion isn't just about a woman's body. Yes, the baby is developing within her body, but it isn't her body (usually) being destroyed; it's someone else's! How does anybody have that "right"?

Yes, women have a choice; in fact, they have lots of choices. But those choices are made before the pregnancy begins. There is no right to choose once the baby is conceived.

But is that creature inside the mother really a baby, really a human being? When do we become fully human? The Orthodox answer is that we become fully human when we fully resemble Jesus Christ, for He is our measure of true personhood. That means none of us is fully human yet.

But we still aren't supposed to kill one another.


  1. Thanks for spreading the word on this deplorable practice!

  2. Oh, you are most welcome, Anastasia! This is a most deplorable practice, and that's why I tend to used terms like "horror," "horrific," and "holocaust" to describe it.

    Thank *you* for first posting the video of the girl defending God's gift of life and then for your insight on being fully human. I simply marvel at how well, how persuasively, and how confidently that 12-year old girl defends life and questions the premises of abortion. Truly "out of the mouths of babes," at least those we have left.
