04 January 2012

Homily for Circumcision of Our Lord

This past Sunday gave us the rare opportunity to celebrate the Circumcision and Name of Jesus on its appointed day as well as on a Sunday. The one verse account - Luke 2:21 - of the Infant Savior being circumcised and given the name "Jesus" speaks volumes of Gospel for us as we continue to celebrate the season of Christmas. Sunday's homily focused on the importance of our Lord's circumcision and the meaning of His name under the theme of "First Blood."

To listen to "First Blood," just click this link and download the audio file.

1 comment:

  1. I especially like what you said about our actions speaking louder than words. Certainly there is a law component to this, but you focused on how, in the divine service our actions in the liturgy preach the presence of Christ in our midst. What a great thought! As the cross processes down the aisle, or I kneel at the communion rail, we the church are preaching recognizing and preaching the coming of Christ for the forgiveness of our sins!
