Preaching on Jesus' prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem - Luke 19:41-48 - is always a challenge (especially on one's first Sunday back after vacation). Just how does one proclaim that stern Law of God judging His own people and bring in the needed comfort of the Gospel - and for 21st century Christians who may or may not know, or care, about the ancient events Jesus predicted?
That's what led me to the theme
"Every Christian Needs to be Saved" for this year's Trinity 10. Yes, God does proclaim His judgment to His own redeemed people when they sin and fall away from Him. After all, He wants us, His redeemed people, to relent of our evil and return to Him (cf. Jeremiah 8:4-12). Hence, we keep being saved by the sweet message of Jesus' cross-won forgiveness and resurrection life.
To listen to
"Every Christian Needs to be Saved," click on this link and download the audio file.